Full moon
I blame the full moon. Who wouldn’t want to go outside to look at it at 3 in the morning? It turned out that Mum didn’t but she might have done. This was Friday night. Shadow’s tummy had settled down and Mum was hoping to get a good night’s sleep. I had other ideas. I’m not usually like that, but when you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go. At 3am I tapped Mum very gently and asked if she’d mind getting up. Of course, by the time we came downstairs that woke Shadow. Ok, if I’m being honest, it was my barking that woke Shadow. Mum had asked me to be quiet. Mum took me out. Then she took Shadow out and we all went back to our beds.
Not the end of it
I said maybe it was a but and I’d got it from Shadow. Mum was unsympathetic and said maybe it was the chew I’d demanded in exchange for doing another meet and greet Zoom call. Either way, I woke her again at 3.30am and we went out a second time. This time, Shadow didn’t need taking out. Goody four paws that he is, Ari didn’t insist on going out either.
Given Mum was feeling stressed about going for her Covid_19 vaccination yesterday morning, she wasn’t best pleased. And, before you ask, she wasn’t worried about the vaccination, she was only concerned about meeting other humans. That’s something she really hadn’t done now for a while so she found it all a bit difficult.
Assistance dog
I did offer to go with her as her assistance dog. She said in that situation Shadow would be far better as she helps to keep people away, whereas I’d have wanted to say hello to them. I just like to be friendly, but at the moment that’s not the approach she’s looking for. Maybe I will be allowed to be friendly again soon.