Present for Shadow
The first present for Shadow was funny. When Mum gave it to her yesterday morning, Shadow really wasn’t impressed. You can see by the look on her face just what she thought about it. However, when she tried it out later in the day she got the hang of it immediately and really liked it. We’ll do a video to show you at some point. Mum couldn’t video her yesterday as she’d got Dad on a video call with Shadow so he could spend her mealtime with her as well. Dad really enjoyed seeing her which was nice. He’d been out with Mama and Valeria in the morning, so we were feeling a bit jealous.
Snow forecast
I’m excited that we have snow forecast for the next few days. Mum says she’s not quite as keen on the idea, but I’m sure she’ll come round. If we get very much she will regret that her snow gear is all sitting in Switzerland, but I’m sure she’ll manage. I’ve asked if we get enough snow whether we could go out and build a snow dog together. It might be fun to have some outdoor time doing something different. Oddly, Mum didn’t seem so keen. She did start reminiscing about being a child and wearing plastic bags over her knitted gloves, held on with elastic bands to keep her hands and gloves dry. I think she’s got some which are waterproof now.
I’m in trouble
For some reason, I’m in trouble. All I was doing was sitting patiently at the bottom of the tree where squirrel has moved in. I can’t think why, but Mum didn’t think that was a good idea. Nor am I supposed to try climbing trees apparently. I can’t think why. I’ve heard Mum say she liked climbing trees when she was young. She did point out that I’m no longer as young as I think I am and she may have a point there. I’m still the puppy of the family. It’s my right to behave like a puppy if I feel like it. I did suggest it might do Mum good to let her inner child take over for a while, but she didn’t seem convinced.