Snowy Surprise
Yesterday was a snowy surprise. Mum had told us all to expect a little snow, but not to be disappointed if it was only for an hour. We went out ready to make the most of that hour. Then we found it carried on all day. It wasn’t the beautiful dry snow of my homeland. That’s the sort that stays around for ages and looks pretty. English snow is much wetter and goes horribly mushy. Instead of just going off your coat when you have a good shake, it soaks in and feels miserable. On the bright side, it can be good for snowdog building but yesterday was really too wet for that.
Taking care
Mum was very strict with us as it was so slippery. She said that as both Aristotle and Shadow have bad legs they should be careful about running about too much. She also said that as hospitals here are already struggling she didn’t want to be pulled or pushed over by any of us. It’s so hard. Snow brings out the crazy dog in all of us. Having to rein in our natural exuberance is never an easy thing to do. Now we are just hoping it doesn’t freeze overnight, especially as Shadow makes Mum go outside in her pyjamas and slippers in the middle of the night every night.
More exercise
Mum has said I need to be included in the forced marches round the yard. She doesn’t think I’m taking enough opportunity to run around and if I won’t do it for myself then I will have to do it under guidance. To be fair, none of them did their circuits yesterday, but if the snow is gone we’re back on for today. I shall be starting on a rather higher number than the others did. They will be on 15 laps today and Mum says I have to do at least as many. Probably as many as both of them put together. I think she really just wants one of us to keep her company while she does more herself!