2021 Resolutions – Friday 1st January 2021

2021 Resolutions

It’s time for those all important 2021 resolutions. Let’s face, sitting there at home, you’ve had plenty of time to think about them. Why don’t you use comments below to commit yourself to three? That way, you’ve made them public and, when the hangover has worn off, you’ll still be able to remember what they are. Obviously you can make them as easy as you like. However, they ought to be a little bit challenging otherwise there doesn’t seem any point. You never know, you might just benefit from the process. Here are all of ours.

Wilma’s Resolutions

It seems fair to start with myself. I know I’m perfect really, but I’m the sort of perfect where there is still a little room for improvement.

  1. I will not bark at Mum when she’s on the phone. That’s going to be tough as I do like to join in, but I think it would be the one she would most appreciate.
  2. I will go downstairs ahead of Mum, as she’s asked me to. That one is because I was getting pretty close to pushing her downstairs in my enthusiasm. She thought it was all getting a bit risky.
  3. I will give up my spot on the bed just as soon as Dad comes home. That’s going to be tough. I love sleeping snuggled up to Mum.

Shadow’s Resolutions

Oh you’d have laughed. When I asked Shadow what her resolutions were going to be I learned some new rude words. In basic terms she does not think she can be improved upon and at her age should not even be asked. I sat some distance away from her to make the following suggestions.

  1. She should not get Mum up before six in the morning.
  2. Shadow should bark less – an awful lot less. Mum said she’d especially like Shadow not to bark close to her ear.
  3. She should bounce less. Now, I know you may see bouncing as a good thing and part of her natural exuberance. It’s just not that simple. She’s got a bad leg and bouncing really isn’t helping it to get better. We’re not holding out much hope of her taking any notice.

Aristotle’s 2021 Resolutions

Ari looked a bit disappointed when we asked him to commit to some things. He was rather hoping no one had noticed he was there and that he would get away with it. When pushed he reluctantly agreed to the following.

  1. He will spend more time in the office and not constantly ask to go back to his own room.
  2. He will increase the amount of exercise he does. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to commit to an actual figure. Both he and Shadow are up to eight circuits of the yard and increasing by one each day.
  3. He will lose a couple of kilos in weight. If he can do number two he’s rather hoping this one will be the natural result without him giving up treats. We shall see.

Anyway, that’s the three of us. Then there is Mum. Mum always sets resolutions and at least in theory tries to achieve some of them. Here are Mum’s top three.

Mum’s Resolutions

  1. Mum will exercise for at least twenty minutes three times a week on top of any normal walks we have. I think her idea is something more vigorous although some of the walks she and I have would count. The time she walks with Ari and Shadow tends to be rather slower.
  2. She will lost weight. I did ask her to tell me how much, but funnily enough she wasn’t willing to make that public. She has written it down. We will see.
  3. She will help me to make the remaining changed needed to all the entries of this diary. We’ve got back to July 2019 so far, but that means there is another thirteen and a half years to go.

Well that’s all of ours. What are yours?




  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone especially all the lovely Entlebuchers in the world and all their owners. Let us hope we can all have a normal life very soon. I have not made any resolutions yet but I think top of my Mums list is that I am more obedient! She says ” I think I am in charge” What does she mean? Have a lovely day Love Dickens XXXX

    • Thank you, Dickens. Of course you’re in charge. I am here too.
      Happy New Year to you all

  2. Happy New Year, always good Health and Luck to all our human friends and children from Tosca and Beija at England with love from the Kornried Cannel in Switzerland
    Maja and Fritz with the females Whoopy, Tosca, Beija – Flor and Fenja

    • Happy New Year to all of you. I do hope we can see you soon
      Love from
      Wilma, Shadow, Aristotle and Mum & Dad too.

  3. Happy new year! Thanks for all your blog posts this year – they are always something to look forward to each day…wishing you all a good year and hope you can be running through alpine meadows again before too long.

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