Little Alfie at Christmas
Today we’re bringing you Little Alfie at Christmas. Some of it is good and some of it is bad. To be fair, most of the bad is not the fault of the little guy. It’s a bit icky though, so if you’re eating breakfast I suggest you finish that before reading on.
Poor Little Alfie has been poorly
Alfie has been poorly for the last two weeks. His human wrote to us. She wasn’t happy.
Monday 14th was a morning I would like to forget… I came out of our bedroom to the most awful smell – almost acidic. I came down to find Alfie had projectile pooed everywhere! At first I could just see one patch at the bottom of the stairs, but then I turned my head to the living room! We’ve said goodbye to the living room rug!
Slow progress
Apparently, he was sick a few times over the next few days and wasn’t eating. Then he seemed to pick up with both ends improving. Then some of it started again. He is feeling a lot better now and his bodily functions are more acceptable. His human has been preparing a lot of home cooked meals for him. He says that is an upside to it all.
Then there was his behaviour! The vet has given him a doggy ASBO (Anti-social behaviour order). He was barking a lot, but it was because he was scared. Now as his penance he’s got to visit the vet regularly while he’s well to get him used to it. That way he might not be so scared. I wonder if his vet has a treat drawer like ours does. It works wonders.
Other behaviour
He has been better behaved with his barking most of the rest of the time. Well done, Alfie.
Little Alfie – Christmas
And despite having been ill, it sounds as though he had a great Christmas. He enjoyed his new toys. He loves his igloo and penguins – it’s a bit of a brain game, where he needs to get the penguins from the igloo! I think I might like to try that one.
Best of all, he had a cartoon version of himself drawn as a present for his Dad. Isn’t it great. What a wonderful present for your human. You can find out more about the person who did it HERE
Stay well little fellow, we’re all thinking of you.