A Difficult Christmas for Many – Friday 25th December 2020

A difficult Christmas for many

Today I recognise is a difficult Christmas for many. There are millions of people around the world who are separated from their loved ones. For some this means their first Christmas on their own and that is very hard. Many, who have lost loved ones, would be especially reliant on others at this time and we think of them especially.

Believe in Better Times

The difference between coping and failing to cope can be as simple as holding onto the belief that there are better times to come. It is vital to stay positive. It is all too easy to let yourself wallow in negative thoughts and your unhappiness becomes self-fulfilling. Focus if you can on the love and warmth that you do have in your life and of the better times you can enjoy when it is safe to do so. You are not alone in all this. We are all in it together. We all need to hope for a better tomorrow.

Wilma offers a helping paw on a Christmas that will be difficult for many

Giving more important than receiving

This is not a Christmas to ask ‘what will I get? This is a time to ask ‘what can I give?’ Never have small acts of kindness been so important. One of the greatest gifts we can all give is encouragement. A kind word here, a helping paw there, can do far more than we often realise. Funnily enough, when we help others, without realising we so often help ourselves. It can help us to appreciate all the good things we do have and they should not be underestimated. Even the gift of a smile can lighten the load carried by the recipient.

The message of Christmas

It doesn’t matter whether you are a Christian, an atheist or belong to a different religion – the message of hope that underpins the Christmas story if for everyone. The Christmas story is about a gift of hope for the world. This Christmas it is our turn to believe in brighter days. They may not come tomorrow, or the day after. We may need to be patient, but those times will come.

Stay safe and let your day be filled with love.




  1. Hello everyone. I would like to wish you all everywhere a Happy Christmas and hope that wherever you are you are able to enjoy a lovely time. The main thing is to keep safe and well, both dogs and families, friends and loved ones. Love Dickens and all my family XXXXXX Woof Woof!
    Lots of love to you all Dickens and allmy famly XXXX

    • Happy Christmas, Dickens. Your Mum and all of us send love to you and your humans. Have a wonderful Christmas.
      Love Wilma

  2. Wishing you all a happy healthy Christmas. Best wishes from a white and snowy Toronto, and many thanks for sharing all your adventures with us all year. It is a daily gift. I will be snuggling by the fire today and hoping that Mum sees her way to giving me those lovely dog treats know she has put away for me.
    Love Winston (writing for Mum)

    • Happy Christmas, Winston. I’m sure Mum will spoil you. Tell her that Wilma says you deserve it. Have a lovely day.

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