Entlebucher questions
I thought today I’d answer some Entlebucher frequently asked questions. Do feel free to email me with any others you’d like me to try to answer but here are just a few.

Entlebucher Questions – Do we Dig?
Not just for the sake of it. You won’t generally find us flinging soil in the air for the sake of it, but if there is just cause, we’ll be there. In my case, that’s the vegetable troughs. With Shadow it used to be primroses. Alfie managed to find a plant root that he took a bit of a shine to, but that was way back when they lived in Belgium.
Having said that, we’re a pretty independent minded bunch and I have heard of others of our breed you do seem to develop a liking for it.
Do we moult?
Yes, seasonally rather than all the time. Unless you are wearing your best clothes in which case we will make an exception. With girls it tends to be pre-season (about six weeks before). We then drop our whole coat really quickly making an awful mess and leaving us looking threadbare for a short while. Then we look our best ready to mate.
Boys and neutered girls moult twice a year with the calendar seasons. If the weather keeps changing we can spread it about a bit – literally.
We might also lose our coat if we are not feeling so well. Shadow’s doing a bit of that at the moment. She’s not looking her best.
How much exercise do we need?
Alfie’s old girlfriend, Bella’s human explained this the best. We really need 30 -40 minutes of good exercise every day, preferably with some free running. If you start to give us a two hour high energy regime daily we will enjoy it. We will become the dog equivalent of fitness fanatic. We can get high on endorphins just as much as humans. If you let us become obsessed with exercise then you only have yourself to blame. We need to keep fit and strong the same as you do. We don’t need to become ball obsessed or running mad. It’s more important outside of exercise to teach us to be calm and to give us exercises which occupy our minds. The dog equivalent of doing a sudoku or crossword.
I’ll answer more questions another day – feel free to add to my list.