I declare Christmas 2020 Open – Wednesday 2nd December 2020

I declare Christmas 2020 Open

Well I see it as my duty to officially declare Christmas 2020 open. I had to pose for some Christmas photos yesterday. It was fine to begin with but after a while I have to say I was getting a bit cheesed off as the hat kept falling off and Mum kept making me change pose before she’d give me a treat. Shadow was very proud to show off the lights on her tree and then Mum went outside with Aristotle to do the official switch on. I went to inspect it once it was done, but Ari helped turning them on.

Advent candles and calendars

Mum has started her coffee advent calendar and says given I’m hyper at the best of times I’m not going to be allowed to share it. Quite honestly I think that’s mean. I’ve got my own one in the kitchen with a dog treat in each day, so I guess I can’t really complain.

Mum never remembers to light the advent candles, so we have two not started and we’re still only on 17th December on the third. I suggested she might try to finish that one but she says it would be a shame to spoil it.

Santa Paws

Now I just have to wait to see if Santa Paws calls on us. My stocking is up on the chimney and all ready for him to come. Mum says we need to leave hand sanitiser with his mince pie this year, but I’m sure he’d prefer brandy. It would have much the same effect. He’s going to have to be very careful with calling at so many places. I wouldn’t want Santa to end up being ill. I guess Rudolph won’t let him take any unnecessary risks.

