Congratulations Sybil and Leo
Congratulations Sybil and Leo on the birth of your daughter. She doesn’t have a name yet, but she came into the world in the early hours of yesterday morning weighing a healthy 416g. Mother and daughter are doing well.
It is very unusual to only have one in a litter. We were all more worried as it can mean problems at the birth but thankfully Sybil (Eroica vom Rickental) did a wonderful job and everything went smoothly. Shadow is one very proud grandmother as Leo (Torfheide D’Artagnan) is one of her sons from her fourth litter. I, of course, am a very proud great aunt. Sybil is my sister Valeria’s daughter. Oh it’s complicated.
In the dog house
I’m in the dog house or more to the point I was in the vegetable trough. Mum caught me. When she pulls up the carrots, if there are very small one she leaves them on the side to go into the green bin. They might be too small for her to cook, but as far as I’m concerned they are not too small for me to eat. Ok, so I should have just asked. Climbing into the vegetable trough probably wasn’t the thing to do.
I’m not the only one in trouble. Shadow did her howling act again at 3.30am. Mum reached for her phone to use the app so she could turn the radio on for Shadow without actually getting up. Unfortunately the wireless network wasn’t working so she had to get up to go and restart it. It was either that or listen to Shadow. As if that wasn’t bad enough. Once Mum had gone, Shadow changed it from the radio to playing the book Mum is listening to so she lost her place.
Just your average day living with dogs.