Had you forgotten me?
I was starting to wonder if you might have forgotten me. Wilma never lets me get my paws on the keyboard these days. To a large extent it’s my own fault. I’ve become a bit distant from life in the house recently. It all started when I had to have crate rest for my cruciate ligament earlier in the year. I feel safe and happy tucked away in the little room at the front of the house. It’s become my room. I can see out of the window and watch the world go by and no one really bothers me. I may have got a bit too used to it. Mum has been trying to persuade me to spend more time with her in the office and I just keep thinking I prefer my little room.

I’m happy
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not unhappy or depressed. I’m oddly content in my own little world. I spend a lot of time thinking and a lot of time napping. I’ve been plotting world domination, but quite honestly I’m far too lazy to carry it out.
The worst part is that Wilma has this crazy idea that I ought to want to play with her all the time. She forgets I’m nine. Mind you, she pretty much forgets she’s five too. I’m not really keen on playing too vigorously. The whole cruciate thing gave me a bit of a scare with having two bad front legs.
Times I’m happiest
The times I’m happiest, except in my own room are outside helping Mum in the garden. Even then I sometimes leave her to it and watch through the window. I may get plenty of chance to do that now that all the parts needed for the pressure washer have arrived and will be out of quarantine today. True to form, it does mean rain is forecast so I will take up my position on the mat by the back door and watch from indoors.
H Ari, so pleased to hear from you again. Glad your leg is better and you are feeling OK. I know what you mean about your leg. I forget about mine and jump on the arm of the chair. Mum is the only one who is worried when I have these mad moments, she sees in her head lots of trips to the Vet!!! Yesterday I was inches away from catching a squirrel. He just made it over the fence in time.I have my eye on him.
Have a great day. Love to you all Dickens XXXXXX
Don’t tell our human Mum that you are going after the squirrels. She doesn’t take it well, believe me. She seems to think they should be welcome in the garden. Strange things humans.
Love Ari