Shadow has Good News
Well Shadow has good news. She had her scan and there is no change to her spleen. She will have another scan in 6 months but for the time being there is nothing to worry about and no action needed. We were all very pleased to hear that news. She was slightly less pleased to find she has some new ear drops to try as she hates having them applied. Hopefully this lot will stop her ears itching altogether and she can stop having them then.
Oh I know what you’re thinking. It’s only October, why am I talking about Christmas? It’s Mum. She started by briefly feeling very sorry for herself and saying Christmas would be cancelled this year. With hindsight, that might be the better option. Now she has changed her mind. She has concluded that as everyone will need cheering up she’s going to make Christmas bigger than ever. Given that she’s been known to start wearing Christmas jumpers from late November, I’m a very worried dog.
What’s planned?
Well apart from the jumpers, she’s ordered a mask with penguins wearing Santa hats. She is also planning to put up all our outdoor lights and put up all our decorations. She’s found somewhere that can deliver a Christmas tree and has threatened us with Christmas carols being played on a repeat loop. I’ve decided if you can’t fight it, then the best thing to do is to shape it the way I’d like it. I’m pushing for log fires and sitting together on the settee watching Christmas movies. I may have to give in and wear my Christmas jumper too, but I’m still refusing to wear my Santa hat. It feels so odd on my ears.
Actually, there is one really good bit about the plans. We won’t be able to all meet in person for Christmas lunch but we’re going to move our Alexa onto the dining table so that my grandparents can eat with us after all.
Hello Wilma, thank you for the good news about my Mum. I am so pleased she is OK.
Sorry I am so late writing to you. I was up early but Mum and Dad went to see Ruby and Mollie (granddaughters ) so they went off promptly. I stayed here, I do see them sometimes but I get very excited when they are excited and start barking! In view of my poorly paw it was best for me to rest here. I am not allowed to go on the computer unsupervised. I am just back from my walk and going to have forty winks. Love to you all. Dickens XXXXX
Thanks Dickens. You would think they’d trust you with the computer after all this time. What harm could you possibly do?