A few of my favourite things
Mum was feeling fed up yesterday, so I sat down to cheer her up. We started talking about some of my favourite things and times we’ve had together. I decided that it would be fun to go through my photo archive to see what I could find. I started with my puppy pictures and that was enough to make Mum smile. This was the first photo of me that my breeders sent to Mum. It was love at first sight for Mum.

Then I sent her a picture for her birthday. I was just over four weeks old then. I put a bow on specially.

When we first met
My next favourite was when Mum and I first met. It was at my aunt Tosca’s house. I was only seventeen weeks old. Mum hadn’t been able to come until then as Shadow’s last litter of puppies had to go off to their homes first. She set off for Switzerland on the day the last puppy went to its new home. Alfie had travelled to Switzerland with her to meet me as well as my human aunt. I’ve always been especially fond of my aunt since then. It was why Alfie was always my best buddy too.

Very Close
Mum and I became very close very quickly and we’ve been inseparable since. It’s pretty much the same with me and Horsie too. I’ve still got him. Actually, that’s not quite true. I’ve got Horsie mark two now. Something odd happened to the first one and he fell apart in my paws.

I was less impressed when Mum made me dress up as Santa paws. I thought it was silly. There can only be one Santa Paws and it’s not me. It was good when I actually got to meet him for the first time though, but he did smell an awful lot like Dad.

I had so much fun looking back that I might do some more of it if Mum needs any more cheering up.