My lovely nieces
Well now we need to wait to find out if my lovely nieces are pregnant. Sybil will have her scan in another ten days. She has been putting her paws up and is enjoying being spoiled. Izzy only met her beau last week. They found it all a bit embarrassing I think but despite one or two difficulties we are hoping that everything will work out and Izzy will be pregnant. The youngsters of today! She said she did her best to show him what to do, but you know what boys can be like. No lack of enthusiasm but sometimes a little misguided. I said they don’t seem to get much better when they get older, but that was no comfort. They really did make a very handsome couple. If their puppies are even half as good looking they will be just perfect.

Missing Switzerland
Yesterday was one of those days when I really did miss my beloved Switzerland very much. Dad went for a bar-b-q on my mountain. It wasn’t all that warm, but it was beautifully sunny with wonderful blue skies. He sent us a photo and it left me feeling very forlorn that I couldn’t be there too. Oh, it wasn’t a bad day here, but nothing like my beautiful Raten. Now the weather is likely to start turning colder there and I guess I’m going to miss that too. I can’t believe that it will soon be a whole year since I was there. It’s awful. I just can’t wait to be able to go again. When Mum saw the picture yesterday she felt like getting in the car and going despite all the risks. I said sad as I was that really wasn’t the answer. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to her.