Back to the drawing board
Well it’s back to the drawing board for the wildlife photography. My suggestion of feeding us, having her coffee and then going outside, would have worked so much better if it had not been pouring with rain. Mum said she didn’t want to get her camera wet. I think she might have been equally keen not to be soaked to the skin herself. The birds had the same idea and stayed under cover as much as possible, so being outside would have been a bit pointless on that basis.
Pimping us out
There are times that the practices of humans can seem a little unacceptable. Mum spent a good part of yesterday looking at all the ones of our breed in this country who might want to breed and seeing which tests they have outstanding. That doesn’t sound too bad until you hear her saying that she needs to make sure that we don’t lose any opportunities in matings, because the puppy list is so long. Where is the romance? Where is the choice on our part? None of your ‘boy meets girl and falls in love’ for us. No. Our mates are selected. The timing is not of our choosing. There we are happily plodding along and then next thing we know we’ve got puppies to look after. Of course, not in my case so there may be a hint of jealousy in there somewhere.
Good news
I did get the results of the test I had at the vet last week. I’m pleased to say that, as we hoped, the lump on my shoulder is just a cyst. Hopefully it won’t cause me too much of a problem but Mum will keep an eye on it for me just in case. At least it’s in a place I can’t scratch, either on purpose of accidentally, so I shouldn’t make things worse.
