Farewell to Addie
It is with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you that Addie’s human has had to say farewell to Addie. We are all very very sad and send her lovely human all our love. Shadow is reeling from having lost two of our first litter so close together. Ari is especially sad as Addie was the litter mate he used to play with and felt he had most in common with. She was a beautiful dog and did her best to bring a lot of love to her human. She will be very sadly missed.
Last Days of Summer
Yesterday it did feel like one of those glorious last days of summer. The ones that you wistfully enjoy and hope there will be lots more, but know there won’t be. I spent quite a lot of the day outside. Ari was busy watching Mum cooking. He was then busy watching the oven. He didn’t want there to be any risk of his not getting turkey. Thankfully, apart from it being a little over cooked, all went well and we all had some.
Shadow has now added rice bran and another probiotic to her diet. They seem to be working well and she suddenly says she’s feeling really hungry. Mum is pleased but getting fed up with hearing her shout ‘can I have some’ every time there is any food being prepared.
Garden Produce
Apart from cooking the turkey, mum spent time yesterday getting in some of the things from the garden and freezing them. Obviously only the fruit and veg, she’d seem a bit silly if she froze things like plant pots. She froze the last of the runner beans and some of the apples. There are a lot more to do, but she ran out of enthusiasm.
Oh Wilma and everybody, I am so sorry for little Addie! I had read your “Please Pray for Addie” post and sent her my best wishes through the interwebs and kept hoping she would make it. This is heartbreaking, poor little mite!
I know the pain you are going through because I too lost a dear loved one! My Jack Russell Terrier Tickle was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis back in mid-May (apparently certain terrier breeds are prone to it) and went down quickly after that. But as I have read from pet communicator Karen Anderson, we should “focus on the love, not on the loss”. I hope this helps. All the best to you all and to Addie’s human! xx
That is so kind of you. Thank you. It is very hard when we lose such good and faithful friends.