Unhappy dog
Aristotle is an unhappy dog. Now I shouldn’t laugh, but I’m going to anyway. You know he was on a promise of a turkey dinner yesterday. Well he didn’t get it. When Mum came to put the turkey in she found it had not fully defrosted and concluded that it was going to take another day before it was safe to cook. You should have seen the look on Ari’s face when she told him. It was priceless. He offered to eat the turkey raw, but Mum would not countenance his suggestion. Now he is claiming that today he is definitely not only going to help with the cooking, but is asking for a double portion as compensation. Knowing Ari, he will succeed. He always does! He finds some loophole to use to support his argument and wins every time. It’s never worth arguing with Ari. You just won’t win.
Staying Positive
Mum is finding lots of ways to stay positive so that she doesn’t miss Dad too much. For me that would mean going for a long walk. For her, sadly it seems to mean cleaning the house and getting everywhere spotless. She’s got a long list of diy jobs to get on with as well as lots of real work. I’m ready for action in whatever form it’s going to take. Being honest, I don’t go a bundle on cleaning.

We’re all back to having to readjust to Dad not being around. We always have a few days of playing up. Shadow is fed up as she really feels he’s her human and without him here she doesn’t get to feel so special. Mum’s doing her best to cheer Shadow up, but it’s true, no one gives bottom scratches like Dad does. Mum tries, but she just hasn’t got the same knack. You’ve either got it or you haven’t!