Lovely surprises
Amongst Mum’s birthday presents yesterday were some lovely surprises. From her family she’d asked for things like bird feeders and squirrel food, you know what she’s like. The fun bits were that Dickens had written a poem and sent it to her, which she thought was lovely. On top of that, my half-brother Salvo and his family had put together the most lovely photo book of pictures from our Club’s 10th anniversary meeting last year. Mum and I spent ages sitting going through it and remembering the fun we had. We heard from my sister Valeria that it was raining on my mountain, so it didn’t feel quite so bad we couldn’t be walking there and we heard from my sister Tosca and it was raining with her too.
Lots of cuddles

We did have lots of cuddles. It was that sort of a day. Mum and I really snuggle together quite perfectly and I could have stayed there all day. Unfortunately there was someone delivering a parcel so I may left a bruise or two when I used Mum as a springboard to get up.
Even though the weather was bad, Mum and Dad did manage to have coffee together outside and Mum had made a big cheesecake that I was not allowed any of! Ari had had some cream when she was making it, so I did feel a little disgruntled.
Plans for today
We’re hoping the weather might be better today as we’d really like to spend some more time outside. We had so much rain on Friday that we could almost have swum around the garden. Much as I like mud, Mum gets annoyed when I turn the whole garden into a mud bath. I really can’t think why?
I’m also hoping to be on paw for the cooking today as I think there might be a proper Sunday lunch and that doesn’t happen often here.