Which Day?
Which day is it? It’s Friday flashback once again. You can tell how far we’ve now lost touch with reality. When I started to look at what had happened on this day in the past, I said to Mum ‘Look at this.’ It was only then she pointed out that I seemed to think it was the 20th August rather than the 14th, so you are going to have to wait for another day for that one. Meanwhile, having remembered which day it is, here is our flashback.
Two years ago in 2018 Alfie was busy doing some profound thinking.
Small World
It’s a small world. I heard from one of our friends that their daughter had bumped into Wilma’s nephew Eiger while on holiday recently. It just goes to remind you that you are rarely more than six connections away from dogs you know. I know being a small breed our world is smaller than most, but it’s much the same for humans. On the one paw that’s a good thing as you soon find friends wherever you go. On the other paw, it makes it so much harder to get away from your wrong doings of the past. There is always going to be somebody who knows about the plant pot you trashed or shoes you ate. There really is no getting away from it. Oh, you can have your misdeeds removed from the internet, but some dog somewhere will still remember.
Four years ago Aristotle was having a good moan. There was this from 2016
I did not want a bath
She goes away for a week and we’re doing just fine. Then she comes home and it’s ‘Aristotle, you need a bath!’ Ok, so I may have spent the week rolling in all those little luxuries she tries to keep me out of, but you would think she’d take the time to see if she could have learnt to like those smells before insisting they were removed. I of course pointed a paw at Shadow and said ‘She’s been rolling in them too.’ Sadly, she must have missed the best bits as apparently she does not ‘have an odour that enters the room five minutes before her’! Ah well. I’ll be looking out for good fox poo to see if I can get back to normal soon.
Then I looked back to 2014 and I just had to bring you this which Alfie wrote. It brought tears to Mum’s eyes when I read it out to her. Alfie was eight when he wrote this.
Alfie’s Girlfriend
I’m not like most of the dogs I know. Ari comes back from kennels every time with a new girlfriend. Me, I’ve never had a girlfriend before, but this week I’ve really fallen for Bella and fallen in a big way. It’s taken me until I’m almost nine years old to fall in love for the first time and I’m really not looking forward to saying goodbye to her on Friday. Yesterday there was a moment in the park where I stood up against another boy and said ‘go away, she’s my girl’ and then last night Bella did the same when our friend’s dog Bailey wanted to play with me. She actually said I’m hers and it sent an amazing feeling all through me. No one has ever wanted me to be their boyfriend and I thought I was going to go all through my life without finding that special someone.

He never loved another girl after Bella either. He was such a faithful dog. I do love my big gentle friend.