Leo and Sybil
Leo and Sybil have some news. I suddenly remembered what I forgot to tell you. Leo, that is D’Artagnan from Shadow’s 4th litter, who I was rather sweet on, is going to mate with my niece Sybil. How exciting is that? Obviously I don’t want to think about the part that I would rather like him to have been my boyfriend, but these things can’t be helped. Mum says if things were different she’d love to have a puppy from that litter, but we’re not ready to add another member of the family just at the moment. It’s a shame as it would have been so cool to have a pup so closely related to both me and Shadow and Ari.
Exciting Autumn
It could be an exciting autumn as my niece Izzy is hoping to mate as well so I might have two lots of great nieces and nephews arriving in the UK within a short space of each other. Birthdays could get very expensive at this rate. I’ve resisted being the active great aunt so far, so perhaps I won’t need to indulge them all that much.
Off to the vet
Well, today is the day that both Shadow and I are off to the vet for our heart rechecks. We both know what to expect, so we aren’t concerned. We’re just fed up that we had to skip breakfast. That’s not something that makes either one of us very happy. I’ll be honest, I was a bit of a handful this morning as a result. No one likes to start the day without their breakfast inside them.

Thankfully, Shadow seems to have fully recovered from her illness of last week. She says the new probiotic she is trying works wonders. I think she’s going to ask to have it regularly. It may just because she gets yoghurt to go with it.
Shadow and Wilma, I have my paws crossed that all goes well for you both and the that the results are good. Hi too to my mate Ari. Love Dickens XXXXX
I’ve got a whole morning to myself, how cool is that? The girls are at the vet and I have Mum all to myself. I’ll pass your message on.