She smells
I’m sorry but she smells! Not Mum you understand, I don’t think she’d let me tell you if that was the case. No, it’s Shadow. She hasn’t been feeling well since Saturday. Her tummy was a bit bad then, but much MUCH worse yesterday and oh the wind! Mum said I need to be more understanding, but let’s be fair Mum was complaining too. Anyway, we’re waiting to see how she is this morning or whether she has a trip to the vet ahead of her. Mum’s a bit worried that it might be a flare up of her pancreatitis. We were only talking the other day about when she had it while we were away two years ago. Poor Shadow she really is feeling very miserable. She’s hungry but when she looks at her food she just doesn’t fancy it.
It was actually Shadow’s half year birthday yesterday she was 11 ½ so is getting on a bit. It’s a shame she really didn’t feel well.
Now you may be interested in this. On the 18th August there is going to be a quiz run using Zoom to help raise money for our Club’s rescue funds. I’ve not told you much for a long time about how Heidi is, but she’s still doing ok and we need to make sure that continues to be the case. It’s £5 minimum donation for a team to enter the quiz and if you’d like to take part then here are the details:

Heidi herself is still being looked after by our Club rescue. Sadly she is still not continent, so finding her her own forever home has proved hard. She’s happy though and is with two other dogs. We would still love to find her a home of her own, but that’s not so easy.
Hallo Shadow Wir wünschen Dir gute Besserung und hoffen , dass es Dir bald besser geht und Du nicht zum Arzt gehen musst.
Liebe Grüsse von Whoopy, Tosca, Beija, Happy und Holly mit Maja und Fritz
Thank you. She is going to have to go to the vet today. She’s feeling very poorly. We will let you know how she gets on.