Take time
‘Take time to smell the roses’, Mum said yesterday so we did. We spent a lot of the day just sitting together. Mum sat and watched the birds and the squirrel. I sat and thought about chasing them. We sat and felt the warmth of the sun. I sat close to Mum and she sat close to me. Of course, we did actually smell the roses too. It was a day for reflection and for thinking about all we have to be grateful for. Dogs live in the moment rather more than humans. It was good to have my beloved human see things more my way, even if only for a few hours. I think I’ve persuaded her that she might need to do a little more stopping over the next few weeks as it would do her good.

Sun Doggess
Mum said I looked like a Sun Doggess sitting with my eyes closed enjoying the warmth of the sun on my fur. It was just a shame that the sun went in mid-morning as I could have sat like that all day.

While we were sitting there. Mum noticed how much my collar has faded over the last few years and asked if I’d like a new collar for my birthday. What girl wouldn’t say yes to that? I spent ages finding the perfect one on the internet later. I found a really beautiful one with cows and edelweiss. Then Mum pointed out it was in America so a) would cost a lot to have sent to me and b) would take a long time to come. The problem is that now I’ve seen that one I don’t like any of the others she is finding and showing to me. I wonder if she’d get it for me if I said I didn’t mind waiting for it to come.
Love Wilma