Old Photos
I’ve been sorting out old photos with Mum. To be honest, if this staying at home thing goes on much longer we’ll have run out of things to sort. This bit is at least fun. She keeps finding photos from years ago that she has misplaced. I’ll bring you some of those another day, but I have to start with some of my puppy photos. Wasn’t I a cute little puppy? Mum says ‘Butter wouldn’t have melted in my mouth’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. I’m not aware that I was ever given any butter to try.
Who’s the cutest?
Then Mum found some photos of when she was small and we were trying to decide who was cutest. I was humouring her. I know I win paws down. Her pictures were taken so long ago that they were on paper and not on the computer. I can’t imagine a time like that.
Eating Fruit
We’ve all been eating the fruit out of the garden, with different end results. Shadow has very bad wind. Oh boy does she smell. Ari, well he’s just Ari and he just complains he has stomach ache and then poos a lot. And I do mean A LOT! Me, well it turns out I’m the problem child. Mum is fed up as the same thing happens every year. I’m fine until about 3am and then feel the need to be sick with some chunk of something gruesome that I can’t digest. Mum has at last got through to me that it is far easier for her to clean up if I can be sick on the tiled floor in the bathroom than on the bedroom carpet. I’ve almost got through to Mum that I can only cooperate if she remember to leave the bathroom door open for me.
By breakfast I’m feeling fully recovered and happy to go and sit at the foot of the greengage tree waiting for them to fall off. They aren’t ripe yet, so I’ve got a little time to wait. Mum has explained I shouldn’t as some parts could be toxic for me. How can something that tastes so good be bad for you? Mum says I could ask any human that about wine.