Such Fun – Wednesday 1st July 2020

Such Fun

I had such fun doing a little video yesterday. Mum has been busy doing live readings on her Facebook page, so I said why couldn’t I do a live video on mine. Obviously, that led to a discussion of what did I want the video to be of. I said, could we do my mealtime. I had tried bidding for an extra snack break, but that wasn’t happening. Anyway, that led to a whole episode of me coming up with ideas for going live. It was Mum who suggested I could have a little go playing ball. If you didn’t get to see it then you can find it by following the link HERE

Day care

I did want to bring the phone with me so I could have gone live with my friends while at day care today, but Mum said ‘no’. She thought there’d be a risk of me losing or breaking the phone. How little trust she has in me. Probably accurate, but I’d have liked to think she had more faith in me until proven otherwise.

I’m really pleased that it’s not as hot this week as it was when I came last week. I want to have a really good run with my friends and that’s harder to do when it’s hot. Mind you, Mum is hoping they might teach me to use the paddling pool and I don’t suppose we’ll go in if it’s not that warm.


Ari and Shadow have gone swimming today for the first time in absolutely ages. Ari is a bit worried about how his leg will feel but Mum has said that as long as he takes it steadily it will do him a lot of good. He looked unconvinced. He is starting to spend more time in the back garden now and is really enjoying that. Perhaps he could go live so you could see him too.




  1. How clever you are, Wilma. My Border Terrier, Jessie, never really got the hang of fetching. She thought humans should be doing both throwing and fetching and would sit beside the ball with a grin on her face. I should show her your video so she can see how it’s done. Problem is, she coming on for 16 years old (in human years) and losing her sight. It’s probably a bit too late to teach her now.

    • It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks or so they tell me. It took me about four years to get the hang of it. Then it just clicked. I’m not a ball-o-holic like Shadow but I do enjoy it for a little while. To be honest , I still prefer chasing another dog… or a squirrel
      Love Wilma

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