Shadow is in quarantine. It’s not what you think. There is nothing wrong with her. I know Dad only went back to Switzerland a week ago, but he has had to fly back to the UK and so is now in quarantine in the back bedroom. Shadow has volunteered to be there in support, so she is in quarantine too. She is not such a big risk, but Mum is keeping her apart from the rest of us as Mum really can’t afford to come into contact with the virus. Anyway, I know it’s my job to look after Mum, but I so want to see Dad that I am a little jealous of Shadow. Mum caught me just sitting under the window of Dad’s room so I could at least hear his voice every now and then.

With the good weather Mum is letting Dad spend time in the garden. They have most of their meals out there, at a distance from each other. I’ve asked if I can go out too, but she said no. She’s very strict. She even goes and opens doors so he doesn’t touch anything and he wears a mask going from his room to outside. When he finishes his quarantine I can’t wait to give him the biggest hug ever.
Paddling Pool
I’ve refused to go in the pool so far. Mum has drained the water out as the weather is going to be bad for a few days. She says when she puts clean water in it then she’ll get in with me for a while so we can play together. I’m not sure if she’s planning to wear only a swimming costume, but can you imagine the scratches she’s risking getting from me playing in such a small area? Still, I’m not going to discourage her as I’m quite looking forward to it.