We will be the only dogs with a signpost pointing to ntas Grotto. You know and I know that that should read Santa’s Grotto, but there has been a bit of a miscalculation by Mum. I know it could happen to anyone. It just didn’t. It happened to us. Mum was very careful about where on the sign she painted the words. To be fair, one side of the sign looks fine. Thankfully she had only painted the ‘north’ arrow at the time she assembled the pieces to see what it looked like. That’s when her error came to light. She hadn’t thought through how the pieces would look when screwed together. She had time to make corrections before painting the other three arms – sort of. But alas, one side of ‘north’ will always point to ntas Grotto.
Back in Quarantine
Dad is home – briefly, but we aren’t allowed to see him as he’s in quarantine. Mum has been spending time distanced from him in the garden. Unfortunately when Mum asked me and Shadow if we could be honest about whether we could manage to go outside with her but stay at least two metres away from Dad we both sadly shook our heads. Now, if she’d asked if we could charge up to him, bowl him over and tell him we’d missed him. All in between licking him, that would have been an easier option. He leaves tomorrow for Switzerland and we just have to wave from the window and then give Mum a big cuddle.
Shadow really wants to go with him to take care of him, but that isn’t an option. I’ll just have to help her count down the days until he’s back here with us again. From tomorrow it will be 50 days I think. I had to borrow all our paws and Mum’s hands and feet to be able to count that.