Bucket List
I’m writing a bucket list. Mum asked what I wanted to do when this whole pandemic thing has passed. I began to tell her all the things I was missing. It turns out on the whole we’re missing the same things. Anyway, we said we’d make our own lists and then as soon as we are able to we will start working our way through all the ones that match. Obviously, right at the top is to go and spend time with Dad in Switzerland. However, I’ve broken that down into a whole lot of separate important things, like seeing my Mama and sisters Valeria and Tosca. I want to go to my mountain too. I can’t believe how long it is since I’ve been able to go for a walk there. Mind you, I don’t just want to walk, I want another bar b q up there with my friend Ruff. There are things closer to home I want to do too, but not as much as I want to go to Switzerland.
Shadow says swimming is at the top of her list. She says there isn’t much else she’s really missing, apart from having Dad around. Ari says simply getting out of his crate for a while will cheer him up, but hopefully he only has a week to wait for that one.
Wanting to Paddle
It was sunny again yesterday and still Mum wouldn’t set up the paddling pool. She said that rain and thunder were forecast so there didn’t seem much point. She has promised to set it up later in the week when the forecast is good. I’m going to reminder her every day just in case she forgets her promise. She says that given I’ve left it right by the back door in its box then it would be hard for her to miss. I pointed out that there are other things by the back door that she is supposed to be putting away but she’s been managing to walk past those for months.