Lockdown flashback
What better than a Lockdown Flashback to cheer up a miserable lockdown Friday? I started by looking back to when Alfie was just seven months old. This made me smile. Mum said he really didn’t like water until he had to start going swimming for his health when he was older. Then he had to get over his fear and in the end was quite enjoyed it. But this was Alfie back in 2006
Water Wings
I thought about trying the pool out when I got home, but I’m not really sure about it yet. There are some steps down but they seem a bit slippery. I have asked my mistress if there is anything that she can get to help me and she has suggested I should have some water-wings, whatever they are. She says they are things that have air in so that they float and I would put them on my legs. I’m just trying to imagine whether that means I will in effect be standing out of the water or whether my legs will be splayed out in all directions, floating, whilst my body sags in an odd direction in the middle. I am led to believe that dogs can normally swim, but it is one of those confidence things, you don’t know until you try and the thought of trying is a bit daunting.

The following year was clearly a spell of hot weather. Alfie was sharing his philosophy on the merits of panting. He was probably right!
Why do humans sweat?
There is at least one thing that dogs do a lot more attractively than humans and that is cool down. Think about it, you may laugh at us panting and in your better moments rush and get us a bowl of cool water but do we end up all smelly as a result of it? Ok we may get bad breath but which is worse a dog with slightly bad breath or a human that wreaks of the stench of sweat? I know the weather has been hot but is it really any excuse? I think humans should try panting as a more attractive alternative. Come to think of it, I presume the term ‘sweating like a pig’ may come from the fact that pigs haven’t mastered panting either, so perhaps I should pass the word around.
Looking back at how he used to think really makes me miss him. I know Mum feels the same. He spent such a lot of his time thinking. I’m more of a doing sort of girl than a thinking one, unless I need to work out how to cause mischief. Then I can think as much as I need to. Which reminds me…