Well oops! It was her own fault and poor Shadow has to deal with the consequences. To be fair I guess Shadow was not totally blameless, but you can decide for yourself. Mum wasn’t feeling too well and when she was feeding us she got confused. Shadow and I had our lunch at the same time, as we normally do and Mum got Aristotle’s scoop of food ready to feed him. That was when things started to go wrong. Mum has to put us out of the way before she goes to Aristotle so that he doesn’t get overexcited. He tends to start jumping very quickly when we are together, not that I wind him up you understand. Anyway, I went and sat out of the way for no more than the price of a biscuit. Shadow on the other paw…
Second sitting
Mum accidentally put Aristotle’s scoop of food into Shadow’s bowl and put her in her room. Shadow was in no hurry to correct Mum’s mistake and happily tucked in to a second bowl of lunch. She was already half way through when mum realised what she had done. By then Shadow was most indignant about Mum taking the bowl away. You will be pleased to know that Aristotle was still given his normal amount in his own bowl. However, the problems didn’t end there…
Poor Shadow
Shadow has a very delicate tummy. She eats a special food that doesn’t make her ill. Aristotle does not eat the same food. Yesterday, around 24 hours after the incident had occurred, Mum was busy upstairs. Shadow did call her. Sadly, Shadow has been calling her so much recently that Mum just ignored her. That was when the upset tummy occurred! By the time Mum came down there was quite a bit of cleaning up to do and the carpet cleaner had to be brought out.
Now we’re just hoping that Shadow gets over it quickly and doesn’t have any problems. Mum feels very guilty and has promised to be more careful.