Work in progress
Shadow’s ears are a work in progress. She is not enjoying the process but by the look of the cotton wool, she isn’t finished yet. Mum is giving her special cuddles and kisses to make her feel it’s worth it. Shadow however is now cross with me for not helping her to keep them clean in the first place. She may have a point. Shadow has always been the one to check the rest of our ears. She took amazing care of Alfie and then sort of adopted all of us as well. Perhaps I should take on some of the caring work, especially now she’s rather older.
It rained yesterday. I had mixed feelings. Obviously, I don’t mind the rain, but Mum and dad spend far more time outside when the sun is shining so on balance I’d like it to stay nice. Not only did they not sit outside to have coffee and lunch with me out there, but they didn’t need to water all the vegetables either. The forecast seems to say it’s going to keep raining now and that’s bad news. I’m still waiting for my paddling pool to arrive and by the time it comes I shan’t need it.
Ari is bored
Aristotle says he has reached the end of not minding being in his crate. Whilst his leg hurt he said resting seemed like a good idea. Now he’s just frustrated. Mum said he’d be more convincing if he’d actually use it a bit more. He still has a habit of only using three legs if he can get away with it. He never was keen to put in more effort than absolutely necessary. It’s like when he goes swimming and only uses his front legs. It’s going to be a big job getting him to rebuild the muscles in his leg if he won’t actually use it to walk on.