A Dog Called Alfie
I want to tell you about a dog called Alfie. Now, obviously you’re thinking I’m going to be talking about our darling Alfie and in a way I am. You see, we had a lovely phone call the other day from Lia. Her first born son has the kennel name of Bach Tsjerno SwissDawn. Bach is because it is the kennel’s second litter, even though it’s Lia’s first. It means she has chosen named beginning with a ‘B’ for all her children. Tsjerno is after the litter’s father. Anyway, that is a rather special name to begin with. What Lia rang for was to ask if we’d mind him being known as ‘Alfie’ as that was what his humans wanted him to be called at home. It was lovely that she asked, but of course we didn’t mind. Given that this little Alfie was born on 27th April, just over a month after we lost our own darling Alfie, we thought it might be nice to follow his progress.

I think you will have to admit that he’s a very handsome little fellow.
More video calls
I did another video call yesterday. Shadow asked if she could take part as she really hates being left out. Oh dear, you wouldn’t believe how overexcited she got. It all went wrong quite quickly and I had to ask her if she would leave me to it. If that amount of noise doesn’t put off the prospective owners then we probably are the right breed for them. I have to say, we’ve met some lovely people on the video calls. I’ve asked Mum if we can carry on doing some of them even when things get back to normal.
Quiet Week
It may surprise you to know that we’ve got another quiet week this week. Mum is trying to find some renewed energy and enthusiasm from somewhere. As a dog I don’t really know what to advise her. We tend to take each day as it comes and make the best of it. Actually, perhaps that’s what I should advise her!
At first sight Alfie does look nice indeed. But with only two legs and no tail he’ll have a hard liife…
Oh so funny. I think he has four lovely little legs and a perfect little tail. We just need to get him to show them too.
Love Wilma