Sunny days
Don’t you just love perfect sunny days? Shadow and I had a lovely day yesterday. We split our time between being in the garden and chilling out indoors. Mum and Dad had coffee outside and lunch. Mum did some gardening with us as well. She and I argued over one of the sticks. She said it was hers and I wanted it to be mine. What does she need with a stick anyway? She said she used it to get rid of all the cobwebs that seem to gather in their arbour. She goes round with it before they sit down. She’s adopted that policy since one day a few weeks ago ‘pre stick’, when she got coated in cobwebs and was somewhat freaked out. I thought it was funny, but there you go.

I don’t want to speak too soon, but at long last I think Aristotle is starting to improve. Mum has found that as long as she makes him walk really slowly, then he will use his leg. When I say ‘really slowly’ I think there were some snails overtaking them yesterday. He is much happier to go fast on three legs, but Mum is being very firm with him and explaining that he simply can’t do that. It is going to be a very long time before he gets his strength back and may still have a bit of a limp but she now hopes he will at least recover.
Giving away old toys
Yesterday Mum put a table of old toys outside for anyone locally to help themselves to. I’m pleased to say she didn’t put out any of mine, for which I was very grateful. On the downside it did mean every so often we got excited because we thought there was someone coming to the house. She says she’s putting them out again today. We are ready and prepared in good voice.