Yay – outdoors
Yay – outdoors! We are going to be outdoors more today. Mum says as long as the weather forecast is right then she wants to spend some time outside. It’s been so windy that a number of the plants are in need of a little tlc and Mum is in need of some sunshine. She said that she’s hoping to be able to combine the two things and both Shadow and I can help. We just need to remember not to get too excited. Shadow has been barking quite a lot over the last few days, but some of that has been the windy weather. If the wind has died down she will hopefully relax a little again.
Clear out
I’m worried on behalf of my toys. Mum has been doing some clearing out and is putting some toys and games outside in case anyone locally wants them. I’m now worrying she might put some of my toys out next. I’ll be honest, Horsie hasn’t been looking quite so well recently. Somehow his stuffing seems to be coming out. I don’t know exactly how it happened but It is worrying. Shadow’s cow toys look a little less pristine than they did when I got my paws on them too. Mum is threatening to put those through the wash. I suppose I can live with that as long as she doesn’t give them away.
Bank holiday
Apparently today is a bank holiday. Mum says that used to be important but at the moment she says it makes it no different to any other day. It is really odd as Dad had a bank holiday on Thursday so he didn’t work then, but today would be a normal work day for him so he is working. Humans are weird creatures. What does it all matter anyway?