Enough cloud
I’ve had enough cloud. I want warmth and sunshine. To be fair, I’d settle for snow and sunshine, but that’s not very likely. Either way I want sunshine. Mum says the garden actually needs some rain, but unless it comes in large enough quantities to give me some mud to play in then I’m not in favour. Sunshine has a number of benefits, not least of which is that Mum spends much more time outside. That is definitely a big plus.
Birds and the bees – who may not mind cloud!
We have an odd birds and the bees situation going on. It seems some bees or maybe wasps, have moved in to make their home in the bird nesting box on the side of the summer house. Mum is not happy about the arrangement. For a start, she prefers watching the birds going in and out and using it for the purpose she bought it. Secondly, she doesn’t want any of us to disturb them and end up being stung. Either way it is not good news. She isn’t really sure what to do about it.
Shadow’s sitting room
The moving of furniture is complete and Shadow is happy with the end result. For one thing, the little settee that is now in there is lower to the ground so she can climb up onto it. For another, Mum is planning to spend more time in there too so we can all relax together. Shadow’s only complaint is that Mum says she has to wait to have it decorated, but that isn’t really a hardship. It’s going to look great when it’s finished.
Going Cone Free
Today, as long as he behaves, Mum says Aristotle can try going cone free. He is going to be such a happy dog. I just hope he doesn’t blow it. You know what he can be like!