All Change Again
Well it’s all change again in our house and Shadow is pretty fed up. When she was a puppy James was her human, but then he moved out when he started to make his own way in the world. Of course, she’s got Dad, but he isn’t always here, so for the last few years Andrew has been her human. She has slept in his bedroom at night and spent days in the room he has a computer in, when she isn’t in the office. Now it’s Andrew’s turn to move out and Shadow is feeling bereft.
The whole situation is being made much worse for her, as she is struggling with the stairs in a morning. She says she’s fine, but Mum doesn’t want her having a problem so has said she is going to have to start sleeping downstairs at night. She won’t be on her own as she can share with Ari, but she is not a happy dog. Mum has promised that she and I can be together during the daytime, which we’re both very happy about, but what dog doesn’t want to curl up on the bed with their human?

We think that Aristotle may have turned a corner. He went back to see our lovely vet yesterday and she says there is some improvement, so he didn’t need an x ray. As long as he is careful and takes all his medication, we are now hoping he is on the road to recovery and will be taking the cone off shortly. Mum says she is not rushing to take his cone off as so much has gone wrong up to now, that she’d rather be cautious. He is not happy!
Garden Day
While Dad is helping Andrew to move house, Shadow and I are having a garden day with Mum. She says she really needs some fresh air so as long as it stays fine, we are going to have a girls day in the garden. I’m really looking forward to it.