My friends
I thought I’d introduce you to some of my friends. I’m sure they won’t mind. It is amazing having my own email address and being able to hear from them directly.

This is Betsy. I got to know her through my brother Salvo. To be fair, she was friends with Alfie before I was around, but she really is my kind of girl. We’re scheming to meet up at Salvo’s house when all this is over. I may have forgotten to tell him about the plan.
Cool idea
Anyway, Betsy has hit on a really cool idea for scaring people when she goes out. She carries her leopard with her. It is so much better than just barking at people. Go Betsy!
My friends – Hec, Mack and Finn

Then there are my more local friends, Hec, Mack and Finn. Hector used to live next door to us. Actually, it was us who moved so I guess it’s the other way around. Shadow has known him since she was tiny. He’s really old now but still very handsome. Shadow had a bit of a go at Mack when he was a puppy, but she can be like that. I think they’re just great.
Aristotle is depressed
Aristotle is very down. He has told Mum that his leg is hurting and he doesn’t want to use it. She said she’d see how it was today. She’s hoping it is just from having his stitches removed, but he is so unhappy that she’s wondering if it might be more than that. I can tell she’s worried. It’s really hard as she’s not supposed to go out anywhere at all, so having to take him back to the vet is not good news for her either. Hopefully he will say it’s improving, but he was so miserable yesterday.