I laughed – Sunday 3rd May 2020

I laughed

Well I laughed, but I don’t think Aristotle did. His cone has several lines of Velcro so that it can fit different sizes of dog. He’s the biggest size so it means there are spare lines of Velcro not in use. At one point yesterday, he managed to get the vet bed in his crate attached to the spare Velcro and had completely tied himself in a knot. I just stood there laughing while Mum tried to separate him from the cone and the vet bed. You should have seen the look he gave me. I don’t think he’s going to do that again in a hurry.

Well I laughed, says Wilma as she looks as Aristotle's cone stuck to his bed by velcro


On a brighter note, he is starting to use his leg, which is good news. On a less bright note, we still haven’t seen the dressing from his leg that he ate last week. Mum says she isn’t going to worry too much until he isn’t wearing his cone. However, once he’s had his stitches out she says she is going to insist on him being sick in case it’s stuck somewhere at the upper end of the digestive system. It’s easy to make Aristotle sick. Mum will just let him eat some of the carrot peelings. It works every time.

Meet and greet

I had a lovely time doing two meet and greets by video yesterday. I sat on the settee between Mum and Dad and answered all the questions the people had for me. I did wish I could give them a good sniff, but they seemed nice from what I could tell. One of the people was actually Swiss, so we could talk about our homeland which was nice.

Paws up

Today I shall be mostly putting my paws up. I don’t think I will be meeting my public today so I don’t need to worry about looking my best. I might just go and do a bit of digging to get Mum to come and spend some time outside.

