At last Mum has resorted to cooking. She has started with making flapjack, but didn’t drop much in our direction. I’m now hoping she might move on to something more suitable for me. I’ve been making suggestions and I’m hoping she will have listened. I’m only trying to help. If she makes dog biscuits for me then she won’t get fat. It’s a great result for both of us. The only one small problem would be that if she makes them with human foods there is a risk she might take that literally and eat them.
Another plus side was seeing the new order of meat arrive yesterday. I was delighted to see she had thought to buy most of my favourites. There was no steak though. I think that was an oversight. I need to get my paws on next week’s shopping list.
You can’t please some people. Mum says although it’s warm enough, she can’t leave the back door open for us as the pollen is affecting her. I said she can always wear her mask while sitting at her desk, but she says she’d prefer to only have to wear it outside. It’s her worst pollen time of year from now until the middle of June, but it does seem a shame to shut the outside world out.
Working hard
I am enjoying the ‘work’ Mum is doing at the moment. It seems to involve sitting on the office settee reading magazines. That gives me the opportunity to snuggle up while she’s working, which is a great result for any dog. She says that may happen for the next couple of days so I’m poised to make the most of the opportunity. Thankfully, Shadow can’t jump up to the level of the settee so she doesn’t get to be part of it.
