Shadow is now my playmate and I’m really enjoying having fun. To be fair, I have to wind her up quite a lot before she decides to play, but it’s worth it. Indoors we spend time simply gnawing on antlers together. I’ve tried running round the office with one toy or another and Shadow is willing to join in, but Mum tends to get cross so that’s not so good. Outside is a whole different matter. I keep finding sticks. It is so easy to get Shadow to play with sticks. If I run up to her with a stick and then run off she just can’t resist.
Mum has had a serious word with me. She’s pointed out that I’ve already broken Aristotle and given that Shadow is already eleven years old I need to be a little more careful. Oh, I know she’s got a point, but I’m just a girl who wants to have fun.

Aristotle has moved
Aristotle is as bad as me. He just can’t stop himself from running around. It’s a bit like the whole stay at home thing – if you don’t do it voluntarily you will be forced to do it. Aristotle is now on crate rest for most of the time. To make it a little more enjoyable his crate is now in a room that is bright and sunny and with plenty of books for him to read. Mum is going to spend time with him at intervals through the day, but then he tries jumping on the settee to join her so she’s not pleased with him about that. She has explained to him that the more seriously he takes it the faster he will get better. She’s also worried if he does have to have an operation about his tendency to eat bandages. I think it’s going to be an uphill battle.