Dad is home
Well, Dad is home. He got here early afternoon yesterday. Mum is being very strict and telling me I can’t go up and see him, which is really annoying. It’s going to be a very long 14 days. I’ve marked the calendar for Monday 6th April with a big paw print and as soon as Mum says it is ok I’m going to run up and open Dad’s door to let him out. I am a little bit concerned though. Mum has left Dad with beer, wine and crisps, and will be taking all his meals up. It’s just possible he could get to like this and not want to come out. Mum thinks the thought of seeing all of us should be enough to do the trick. She says she’s got more beer and wine down here too, so that should entice him.
Other improvements
Of course there are other improvements with Dad being home. Mum doesn’t always bother to cook proper meals for herself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not worried about her health. It’s just that if she has toast and jam then I don’t get any. Now we will definitely be getting some real food on a daily basis which so improves the begging opportunities. I have not got her to buy steak yet. Somehow Alfie was much better at that than I am. However, I think I might be able to persuade her it’s a good idea for when Dad’s allowed out of solitary.
Office Chair
Mum and I have been having a bit of a discussion about dog beds and chairs. She seems to think if she needs it, the office chair should be hers to use. I pointed to the dog bed on the floor and said it was free. I’m sorry to say this issue remains unresolved. I’ll have her trained soon, I’m sure of it.
