Difficult times
Well, dear dogs, we have difficult times ahead. Many of you are going to have important jobs to do taking care of your humans. Those of you who are able should be learning to complete some of the basic household jobs so that you can assist. What better for a dog to do than to fetch and carry. It’s a game we all love and we could make ourselves useful at the same time. Just remember, you cannot catch this illness so you aren’t at risk by helping.
A special note to all the Labrador puppies out there – this is no time to go unravelling all the toilet rolls. Not that is unless your human is one of the ones who has been bulk buying, in which case – have fun. If your human is one who has found the shelves empty they will not thank you for unravelling their last one.
If your humans are in lockdown then remember it is your job to keep them entertained. You don’t have time to learn any new song and dance routines, but you can cuddle up to them and let them stroke you. If they are trying to work from home, you may need to agree a schedule for when the fun times are fitted in.
This may be a time your human needs to have more deliveries to home. If that is the case then please suspend any ongoing animosity with the mailman or delivery driver. They need to get to your house safely. You may even have to go as far as to stop barking when they come as it may be happening more frequently.
Whilst we are on deliveries, do remind your humans that you can get your dog food delivered and it is as important that they have a supply of food for you if they have to go into lockdown. Either that or offer to eat theirs.
Stay safe and keep in touch with us