Another lunch stop
Yesterday we heard about another lunch stop well worth trying. This one is called Number 29 in Burnham Market, Norfolk. In amongst the human menu you will find Eric and Dolly’s Doggy Menu. It all looks very tasty to me. What I want to know is if I go will the waiter come and put a menu open at the right page in front of me, as they do for the humans? I’d really like that level of service with my meals, instead of ‘Here you go, Wilma’ as my kibble is plonked in my bowl. I think a little more refinement at mealtimes might be quite nice, as long as when I’m ready I can still just stick my nose in the bowl and get on with it. I can’t be doing with knives and forks, they seem so pointless.

Talking of pointless…
No to be fair, it involved a walk, so it wasn’t pointless. Mum walked with me down to our village hall yesterday to drop off a prize for a raffle. I had wanted to go in the other direction, but you know what these humans are like when they insist on something. I gave in, as I always do, only to find the event was cancelled later in the day. We could have gone the way I wanted to go after all. Mum says I can get the choice today as long as I let her have a bit of a lie in first. I guess that seems like a fair exchange.
Aristotle’s leg
Well he wouldn’t rest, so he’s only got himself to blame. Aristotle’s leg is worse and he needs to go to the specialist. He’s asked Mum to make him an appointment and although he’s getting around quite well on three legs, he doesn’t fancy doing it forever. Mum said she’ll ring the vet early this week to get a referral. Oh dear, poor Ari I’m guessing he’s going to need an operation.