Be more careful
Apparently, I need to be more careful. How was I to know if I jumped over Alfie and just caught him with my paw as I went over that it would be enough to knock him over? He took it in good spirits. He lay there dazed for a moment or two, wondering where his legs had gone and then struggled back to his feet as though it was just your average day. As a result of that, Mum has said I need to be more careful and, unless absolutely necessary, I’m not to leap-frog over him. I can see her point, but it does rather spoil the fun.

Aristotle’s leg
Sadly, Ari’s leg is not better. Mum is going to see how he goes the rest of this week, but he may well have to go to see the specialist. I think she’s going to look at moving his crate so it’s in a more pleasant location for the daytimes. He says he likes it where it is, but it’s so tucked away he can’t really want to spend that much time in it, surely. Unfortunately, the problem is that where Mum would move it to would mean he was disturbed at night when he wants to go to bed. He really doesn’t like that idea. Mum is having a rethink about where he might move to, so we’ll have to see.
Sunny walk
I had a lovely sunny walk around the village and up along one of the lanes yesterday. Mum’s avoiding the areas with standing water so we don’t pick up any more bugs. It’s really easy around here as there are so many places we can choose to walk and they’re all fairly quiet. It was just nice to catch up with her and enjoy each other’s company. I told her I had a call from my niece, Izzy, to say she still isn’t ready to go and see the stud dog. She’s having another progesterone test in a few days and thinks it will be early next week before she travels.
Love Wilma
Hi everyone, just wanted to say have a nice time if you are going to Crufts over the next few days and GOOD LUCK to those who are going in the show ring. I will be watching on TV and looking out for you. I am being a good boy and looking after my Mum after her operation. Dad is doing a good job too. He went off to Sainsburys and did all the shopping yesterday. He must have done good work as he had a treat when he came home with all the bags. Love to you all Dickens XXXXXXX
So pleased your Mum is doing well, Dickens. Please give her our love too. Well done to your Dad. Was he given a Bonio as his reward? That’s the top level of treat in this house.
Love Wilma