More Exciting News
I’ve got more exciting news that I’m just bursting to tell you. My niece, Izzy, has started her season and is getting her bags packed to go and visit her intended in the Netherlands. She is really excited. She won’t be going for a few days. She’s just at that stage of throwing everything into her case and then taking it all out again because she’s changed her mind on what she needs. If things go to plan that means two litters of Entlebuchers will be born in the UK within just over a week of each other. It’s so exciting. She and my half-brother Salvo will have to miss Crufts too now. Good luck, Izzy. Keep us informed on how it’s going.
Alfie still has an upset tummy. Mum says if it isn’t much better this morning then she will have to take him to the vet again. He was at least a bit brighter yesterday than he’s been on Wednesday. It’s rather knocked it out of him. On the bright side, the smell in the porch is improving as he’s managed to get outside in time since that episode. He’s supposed to be going to visit our grandparents on Saturday so he really hopes he starts feeling better.
Weekend weather
I know you’re not going to believe this, unless you’re also in the UK, but we’re on a weather warning for the fourth weekend running. What is happening? Do the weather gods not want people having fun at weekends anymore? Would they not just pity us dogs. Our humans prefer to stay in bed when the weather’s bad and that’s no fun at all. Actually, that’s not true, I quite like staying in bed too, but I do so love going out.

Love Wilma