Poorly Alfie
Mum has been caring for a poorly Alfie. He wasn’t sick after the middle of the night on Saturday, but the other end joined in on Sunday morning in a quite convincing fashion. Whatever was happening, his body decided to get rid of it all in one go. He was very quiet yesterday and didn’t eat much at all. Mum was worried in the morning as she couldn’t get him to take all his tablets. He eventually had all the important ones so she is hoping he is stable. Now she needs to see if he picks up today, but has said if he still doesn’t want to eat then she will take him to the vet this afternoon. He really is the most adorable dog when he’s poorly. He hates causing trouble and tries so hard not to be ill in the wrong places. The rest of us, if we want to be ill we don’t think too much of the problem of clearing up. Alfie on the other paw is always thoughtful, even at the worst of times.
Ari’s leg
Ari is doing quite well, if only he’d stop jumping up and down on it. Listen to me, I’m the one who jumps over dog gates and scares her. Anyway, he’s going to have a week of kennel rest in the hope that will keep him nice and calm. I’ve come to keep him company, but have been made to promise faithfully not to chase him or get him excited in any way whatsoever.
Something tells me this isn’t going to work!
Mum intends to use this week to get lots of sleep and do some recuperating, but with Alfie ill she may have to be more focussed on him. Why do things never work out as you planned?
Love Wilma
Hope you feel much better soon Alfie xx
Thank you Bernie. He’s eaten a little this morning. Mum says we have to take it step by step.