Happy Birthday Dear Shadow
Well a very happy dear birthday Shadow. Today she is eleven years old. Happy birthday to her brothers, Rocky and Kai too.
That means we know have two elderly dogs in the house. Mind you, Shadow doesn’t think of herself as old so neither do we. She will be celebrating quietly and enjoying her presents. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see a picture of her with her presents as I wrote this before she was given them. She had her annual vaccinations yesterday and an overall check and is doing fine.
Alfie’s Vet Visit
Alfie is a medical marvel. We are all fairly confused as to what is happening with him. His lymph glands, apart from one, seem to have gone down quite a lot. He has got a new lump which may be another spindle cell tumour, but as they are growing slowly they will have little impact overall. All in all, we can only conclude that having been at death’s door in December he has decided that he hasn’t had enough just yet, and except for his dementia he’s in pretty good shape.

However, his dementia is bad and he doesn’t cope if Mum leaves him at all. She has arranged for him to have a trial day in day care to see how he gets on, but she is doing it on a day she can pick him up at a moment’s notice if he can’t cope. She says we won’t be going to Switzerland at the moment as she doesn’t want to be too far away from him, but if the day care goes ok then I may still be going to Crufts.
Day Care
Day care is fun. I’ve had odd days there while Mum hasn’t been able to take me on long walks. When Mum comes to pick me up, she says it’s like collecting a small child from school and she fully expects me to come trotting out carrying a painting I’ve done for her. I’d be more than happy to oblige if they’d trust me with paper and paints.
Love Wilma
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mum. Have a lovely day and I hope you like your presents. I am looking forward to seeing what you have. I am Ok but fed up with all this wet weather, all my walks are very muddy indeed. Then on top of that some areas get flooded in the heavy rain so we cannot do them for a while. Hope we get lots of sun soon. Love to you all in Yorkshire Dickens and all my family XXXXXXX
Shadow says thank you. She has opened her presents and seems to like them. It’s misty here, but we hope the sun will come out later.
Love from us all