Growling Flashback
Well, I haven’t done a Flashback for ages, so I thought I’d look back and see what happened on this day in the past and found a growling flashback for you. January is such a funny month being so dismal, so I was looking for something cheery.
It was lovely looking right back to when Alfie was just a young puppy. This is where he was up to in 2006
Trying to Growl
I did try and see if I can bark and growl properly yet. Firstly, I tried to bark in greeting to a Yorkie and a Westie that came to greet me at their gate. I don’t think they even heard me, my bark was so quiet. Then we came to a field of horses and I thought I would make clear who was boss, so I tried to growl. Well, it’s safe to say they certainly won’t have gone away scared by me!
Three years later, Alfie was looking forward to the arrival of Shadow into our lives. She hadn’t actually been born when he wrote this. He was clearly deluding himself if he thought he would ever come above Shadow in the pecking order.
A Puppy’s Place
I’ve been thinking about how I explain how things work round here to the puppy when she arrives. Firstly it’s important that she understands where she sits in the pack. Obviously my Mistress is top dog and as things stand, the rest of us are all pretty much equal. I’m clearly expecting the puppy to understand that I am above her in the pecking order, but I will leave it to my Master and James to undertake their own negotiations with her. It’s going to be quite fun trying to explain things to her, which commands to take notice of as they’re in our best interests and which ones to ignore. How to negotiate her own spot on the bed and what will be expected of her if she isn’t to be sent to her basket for the night. She will sleep in with James, so at least I won’t have to make sure she leaves my place on the bed clear, although I do have to have a bit of a discussion over who sleeps where with my master every once in a while.

Well that’s enough of looking backwards. One of the funny things going on at the moment is that Alfie has started raiding the bin for scraps. He gets more to eat than any of the rest of us, but somehow is still hungry. Mum is not amused.
Have a great Friday
Love Wilma