Counting down
We’re all counting down to seeing our Master tonight. Wilma is fed up. She normally goes to the station to meet his train, but as our Mistress has to take Alfie with her, Wilma is staying here with me and Shadow. She didn’t see why she couldn’t go too, but our Mistress would not be swayed. It’s funny looking back, when our Master started working away nearly two years ago, Alfie wasn’t too well. He thought when he went he might not see him again. Here we are two years later and Alfie is still going strong and looking forward to seeing our Master as much as the rest of us.

Our Mistress wanted to walk further yesterday but not on uneven ground. I was a bit fed up as it was my turn to go out, but she took Shadow instead. They did 1.3km so there’s definitely an improvement. I’m not sure which of us is going today but I’m hoping it might be me. Wilma went to day care again yesterday so she got a good run and came back telling us all about which doggy friends she had been chasing with. She’s enjoying the socialising so much that our Mistress has asked if she might like to go for occasional days even when she is back to full walking. Wilma didn’t have to think twice about it and said ‘yes, please’. It will give our Mistress an occasional easier day while she is still looking after Alfie.
Spring Cleaning
What is it with humans? They get to this time of year and start uttering words like ‘spring cleaning’. As a dog, when you start hearing things like ‘I need your bed to put it through the washing machine, Aristotle’, a shudder runs down your spine. What about the crumbs of biscuits I was storing for later? Does she have no compassion for a dog who likes to keep a midnight snack close at paw? Now I’m going to have to save some new crumbs to rebuild supplies.
Have a great Thursday