Small Steps
We seem to be making small steps in the right direction. Aristotle was beside himself with excitement having been for his first walk in ages. For once, he would have been happy to walk further than Mum, but he’s an uncomplaining sort of a chap, so he turn around when she asked him too. I know I got to play with other dogs yesterday but I did feel a little envious when he came home with all the local gossip. Mum is measuring how far she walks each day so that she can see her progress. Yesterday was 0.6km, which may not sound far, but it took her nearly twenty minutes. Mind you, she said half of that was clearing up after Aristotle who wanted to poo at every opportunity.
Good Day
Alfie was having a much better day yesterday. I didn’t help matters by getting up and having a good bark at 5.15am. I was not popular in our house, I can tell you. Even Shadow came downstairs to see what all the fuss was about. It took Mum ages to get back to sleep, but at least being Saturday she didn’t have to rush anywhere. I really do need to try to re-educate my stomach, but that’s easier said than done. I’m wondering if Mum would let me take something to bed to be a midnight snack when I need it. I know what you’re thinking, it would never last until midnight. That’s probably true, but as I caught Mum having elevenses at 9.30am the other day she really couldn’t say too much in complaint.

I think she may be more concerned that I’ll disturb her with my munching, but I’m sure I could learn to eat quietly if there were enough incentive.
Getting Excited
I’m getting excited about Dad coming home later in the week. In his own quiet way, I think Alfie is quite excited too.
Love Wilma