More like it
Well, this is more like it. Mum is back to letting me get into bed with her. She says her leg doesn’t feel quite so vulnerable. She is also starting to get a little more sleep now that my ‘retraining’ is progressing. I am starting to accept that 5.40am is the earliest I’m going to be allowed to have my breakfast. Mum still wants me to get to 6am but we’re negotiating on that point. You know who’s going to win don’t you?

Outing for Alfie
Mum has to go to Harrogate this morning so Alfie is getting a rather longer outing. Mum’s worried as it is going to mean getting him out of the car for him to go to the toilet while she’s out as he really needs to go quite often. He’s never happy in public places these days, so she has no idea how it’s going to work out. I think she’s going to try to stop somewhere before she gets to the library as she needs enough space to put his ramp up to the back of the car to get him out.
Shadow is not happy
Shadow is not happy about her tablets. She has to have them half an hour before food. She is getting really annoyed because when Mum takes her to the kitchen she gets all excited thinking it is meal time and then comes away only having had three-quarters of a tablet. Alfie and I are waiting to eat with her, but she still says she’s fed up. It’s the thinking she’s about to eat that is causing the problem.
Walking routes
Mum has told me to have a look for some new walking routes while she’s out. She wants to take me out for a nice walk but needs somewhere that has a level footpath. She says that my mountain in Switzerland would be perfect, but that is over 800 miles away so she may be using a different definition of perfect to me.