In Disgrace
Aristotle is in disgrace. If Alfie is the cleanest dog in the world, Aristotle is most certainly not. Oh don’t get me wrong, he likes his white bits to look just as nice as the rest of us do, but he’s less bothered about some other things. He is sharing a room with Shadow at the moment. Neither of them are thrilled with the arrangement and are making that known. Mainly they are protesting by barking, with the occasional howl thrown in. Yesterday Aristotle took his protest to a whole new level, or depth depending on which way you want to look at it.
Toilet breaks
Mum is taking us all outside for regular toilet breaks. She can’t take us for walks at the moment and we understand that, at least some of us do. Aristotle on the other paw decided not to cooperate yesterday. She had taken him out, but then he was with Shadow in the snug for an hour our two. It was certainly less than two hours, I know that as I was checking the clock for when our next meal would be. In that time he managed to poo in their room, not once but twice! It would not have been quite so bad if he hadn’t then jumped in one pile of it when Mum went to clean up. At that point he became canis non grata!
Keeping Warm
Meanwhile Alfie was very tired and lethargic. He took up residence as close to the radiator as he could get. Mum was wondering about getting him an extra blanket or two to keep him warm. I think she’s going to try that today.

I’ve promised to try not to bark if he moans in discomfort. I can see it isn’t helping, but he keeps startling me and it’s difficult.